Monday 12 January 2015

A break from the regular scheduled program

This post has nothing to do with clothes.

I was sorting through my photos and old emails and came across this one. A whole lifetime ago, I had a short romance with someone and while it obviously didn't work out due to a variety of reasons (ok, only one: he wasn't that into me), I still kept this email.* I guess I really like how poetically he wrote and I kind of feel nostalgic, not for him, but for a different time in my life where I really had no clue what was going on but I was really living in the moment. It was a time of spontaneity, a moment so carefree I felt like I was on a rollercoaster. Now it's all about paying bills and tedious responsibilities so I think it's cool to be a little nostalgic, right? Anyway, I wanted to share that youthful moment with you.
I have my earphones on with 'oh mandy' on repeat. The plane engine
whirs in the background. I'm a little sentimental, and I hope it is
raining outside. I hope you are well.
Darling, keep marching to the indie beat, guzzling 'em tiger beers and
covering your face with that crazy-beautiful smile.
I will remember the late nights, the tanning sessions in the pebbled
courtyard, the clandestine operations, hard candy-possibly the most experimental movie I've seen,
our numerous introductions and reintroductions, the princess in an
orange and white sun dress in a house full of drama queens, the mee
pok sessions you had to endure, two dimples and a palm tree, and the red
toothbrush that was left behind.
An August crush, months of sprinkled flirting, a December fling, now
it has come full circle; January, a little crushed. As we walk down
our own decidedly wicked paths, let's think back on this fondly, in
all its simplicity.
Take care,

* I edited out a line and the name because I guess I should still respect some of his privacy even though I've totally just put his private email to me out on the world wide web. Lol. Sorry dude.


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