Wednesday 20 May 2015

Masking my feelings

Top: Uniqlo
Skirt: Sheinside
Shoes: Zalora (Similar here)
Necklace: Twentyeight Lane (Similar here)
Ring: Vintage (Similar here)
In case it wasn't already abundantly clear to you - I am hella vain. Aside from spending tons of clothes and accessories, I also spend lots on skincare. I mentioned before that I had a bout of acne and I remember feeling so self-conscious that I felt embarrassed to leave the house. In order to prevent myself from feeling like that again, whenever my skin decides to go all SPAAAARTTTAAAAAA on my face, or when I can be bothered to get off my lazy butt, I slather on a thick layer of my super awesome Kiehl's Rare Earth Deep Pore Cleansing Masque for about ten minutes onto my semi-damp face, then wash it off with water. DEEP CLEANING POWER ACTIVATED.

It must be a fancy mask since it's spelled 'masque'

Obviously the effects aren't immediate but I honestly feel like it gives a nice deep clean, without stripping the skin of its moisture. My face feels nice and bouncy after.  Also, taking pictures of yourself rocking an awesome face mask and sending it to your friends and a family is a good way to bond.

So fresh and so clean
I ordered it direct from the Kiehl's US site and had it shipped to my brother-from-another-mother (Mousie's husband) who then brought it to Singapore because it's significantly cheaper to do so but Kiehl's is available in Singapore too so if you're in a rush for some deep cleansing, go buy it in-store now!

Thanks for reading!


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