Thursday 9 July 2015

Too cool for school

Dress: Choies | Bag: Prada (Similar here) | Sunglasses: Pieces (Similar here)
Bracelets: Old (Similar here) | Hand chain: Nasty Gal (Similar here) | Ring: Vintage (Similar here

I think I've always been a bit of an introverted oddball so I didn't have that great a time when I was in primary and secondary school. I had very few friends and was generally very timid and shy (which people read as snobbish and bitchy unfortunately) Today I read an article about how the super awesome Tilda Swinton co-founded a school with a different sort of education (No tests! Art based practical learning! Wandering around nature!) and this school sounds all out crackballs. I wish I had had the opportunity to enroll! I think I would totally ace the lesson on sitting at a beach staring into the ocean and contemplating life and its meaning for an hour. Plus there appears to be an emphasis on all the students fitting in and treating one another with kindness. At the end of the day, what is more important that kindness to your fellow man? Hell. I think I'm going to enroll for adult classes. I could do with learning to make a canoe.

Thanks for reading!

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