Tuesday 3 March 2015

Lean, mean, fighting machine

Top: Smooch the Label
Skirt: Zara/ Gift from Manman (Similar here)
Earrings: Vintage (Similar here) | Shoes: Aldo (Similar here)
Sunglasses: Karen Walker | Ring: Twentyeight Lane | Bag: Gracious Aires (Similar here)
I put these photos in a draft state for a while and then decided to come back and blog it. Upon second look, I feel like I look kinda... large? I'm not saying I'm fat, but I definitely think I could tone up a little. 

When I was in early secondary school, I had a body image disorder which made me go crazy about what I ate and how much I exercised. This was the typical Alex experience:

1. I would look in the mirror and see my flaws and get depressed
2. I'd exercise like a mad person (I jogged 3 or 4 times a week, swam the other days, and did 400 sit ups daily)
3. Starve myself (I once only allowed myself to eat an apple a day)
4. Get hungry like a mofo and binge
5. Feel bad
6. Repeat

 In high school in Canada, that morphed into calorie counting and I would keep a food journal of all the things I ate, then feel bad about it. Also, it was really cold so I ate A LOT of chocolate muffins so you can imagine my guilt.

I can't recall how I snapped out of it but I think it was a combination of growing up and starting to like myself a bit more. (Who am I kidding? I LOVE MYSELF!)

Anyway, now I'm all for eating clean but giving myself some allowances, exercising regularly and not sweating the small stuff. Although seriously, I look kinda large in these photos, right???

Thanks for reading!

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