Thursday 5 November 2015

Alex can't afford to wear stuff

Top: ASOS (Similar here) | Skirt: ASOS (Similar here) | Shoes: Keds (Similar here)
Clutch: ASOS | Sunglasses: Nichii (Similar here

You might have gathered from my previous post that I've been on the hunt for an apartment. It's been kind of fun visiting showflats and actual flats but it's also been a really sobering experience. My main problem is that I have yuppie inclinations - You know, the live-in-a-condo-sip-on-Nespresso kind of fantasy? That would be all well and good if I had maybe erm, a lot of money in the bank.

What all this really means is that I'm going to have to buckle down and really put an effort into saving, and cutting unnecessary costs. Which really means I'm going to have to stop all my frivolous shopping. This blog should be renamed 'Alex can't afford to wear stuff' and then have me basically whining about how things are expensive and I'm suffering. Basically, mad first world problems.

At the end of the day though, the idea of going out there and owning my own place and not having to share a fridge with the world's greatest food hoarder is quite appealing. Not to say I don't enjoy living with the momster. I guess I just want to have my own space. But also, ensure that I live no more than 10 minutes walk away from her. Oh yeah. Real grown up here.

Anyway, thanks for reading, and I hope you'll put up with the whining.   

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