My legs look deceivingly muscular right?? |
Clutch: Kate Spade (Similar here) | Ring: Gift (Similar here) |
Shoes: Rebecca Sanver (Similar-ish here) |
So the Kate Spade Saturday shop had a launch event and my friend had an invite and asked if I'd like to attend. I immediately asked her, 'will there be sales?' She told me that it seemed to be more of a drinking-champagne-while-mingling kinda thing and since I am sometimes allergic to crowds and also because I was dressed like a cowpat, I decided I'd give it a miss.
Today's outfit was inspired by the event, I suppose this might have been what I would have worn had I been prepared to go and wasn't having such a turd of a day (I had gotten a speeding ticket and demerit points and had been disappointed by the fact that I clocked a crap time for my Great Eastern Women's Run).
But let's face it, the champagne-mingling wouldn't have been enough but I totally would have gone if they had big signs saying "SALE SALE EVERYTHING MUST GO" because I'm a bargain-hunting aunty.
Thanks for reading! Hope you don't feel like a turd.
This look is fantastic! You are so pretty!
Hi! Thanks for your kind comment. :) It made my day!