Top: Zalora | Dress worn as skirt: Country Road (Similar here) | Bag: Gracious Aires (Similar here)
My hair is kind of weirdly naturally wavy on the right side of my head, while being quite straight on the left and it drives me crazy so I went with Mousie to get it rebonded in April 2014. After a year, most of my natural frizzy-ish hair had grown out with the weird waves back with a vengeance.
I was going back and forth deciding whether to rebond it once more because while I liked the eventual outcome of consistently straight hair, I HATED the down time where for a week after the treatment, I couldn't tie my hair up or tuck it behind my ears (because it would leave a huge kink in the hair). Also, it sucked having super straight, obviously rebonded hair that made me look like an Afghan Hound for a month or so (before the natural volume returned).
Excuse me? I look freaking FABULOUS. Pic from here |
But as with all people who have zero resolve, at the slightest persuasion, I caved. The Mousie has always been superb at getting me to part with money for vanity and this time was no different. She came through Singapore for work and now my hair is flatly sitting atop my head. Not that I'm complaining I guess - I know it'll get better soon, but in the meantime, I'll be marginally inconvenienced. It is quite difficult to keep my hair from making contact with my food as I eat.
Also, I forgot how long the process of rebonding actually takes! I was at
Ritz Salon for FOUR HOURS OMG. I've broken down the process* for you in case you're considering rebonding:
Step 1: Hair stylist slathers on the smoothing chemical onto your hair section by section starting at the root. This chemical smells. I presume it somehow whips your hair into submission so it must be strong and potentially deadly. I suggest not breathing through your nose.
Step 2: Wait. The chemical is now screaming straightening orders to the very core of your hair follicle. This is gay conversion therapy of the hair.
Step 3: The stylist washes the chemical off while possibly saying kind soothing words
Step 4: The stylist blow dries your hair
Step 5: The stylist (or stylists- I have a lot of hair) flat irons your hair section by section root to tip. You want to fall asleep.
Step 6: You are lulled into a false sense of hope that the treatment is over
Step 7: Straightening chemicals are re-applied to your already flat, straight, dry, shiny hair. You are crushed and your butt hurts from being sat on.
Step 8: Wait. You die a little inside both emotionally and physically because chemicals smell bad.
What?? I thought we JUST did this??!! |
Step 9: The stylist washes your hair!!! The ordeal is nearly over!
Step 10: The stylist blow dries your hair. You feel hungry, sleepy and you need to pee.
It's fine. Just rub it with a towel and release meeee please! |
Step 11: You see the bill and realise you're paying anywhere between $200 - $500 and you die a little more.
But you have straight hair! Anyway, my hair continued to have that chemical smell for about 3 days after the procedure but I didn't feel the need to change my hair care routine from the usual. I'm looking forward to my hair returning to a less flat state but I am quite pleased because my hair now requires less taming with hair spray and this rebonded state will last for about a year before I need to think about doing anything again.
So straight and so shiny! WORTH IT!! |
Thanks for reading!
* This might be overly-dramatised because I'm a big baby