Shirt: Uniqlo (Similar here) |
Sunglasses: Coach (Similar here) |
Shoes: Nine West (Similar here) | Bag: Prada (Similar here) |
Necklace: Vintage (Similar here) | Earrings: Vintage (Similar here) |
One thing I love more than snakeskin is my own skin. Well, I kind of hate it as well. At the age of 24 (even though now I am 21 but whatevs), I came down with what is known as adult female acne. Basically, I had mega zits along my jaw and on my cheeks that made me a pizza face and not in the delicious yummy way. After spending a ton on facials and products, all with limited success, I finally went to see a dermatologist - Dr Phay Ken-Lin from
Specialist Skin Clinic. Dr Phay is a wonderful dermatologist and I would totally recommend going to her for all your skincare needs. She's really warm and thorough, and as a mature lady, looks super great, so you know she knows what she's talking about.
Adult female acne typically attacks women who didn't suffer from excessive acne woes during puberty and usually around the age of 25 - 30 (I think). Dr Phay said they weren't sure of its exact cause but speculated that it could be due to the fact that women were having babies later. It was a while back but I still shudder at the thought, I was so upset because that was the age where I was going out a lot and meeting a lot of people working as a door bitch, so I was really self-conscious. I remember calling an ex up and saying, "hey did you curse me?". Yup. Acne mad me mental.
I went on a course of Roaccutane for about a year, which serves to turn your face into a prune (but also not letting the acne have any ammunition for explosions) so it was then that I discovered the wonders of Cetaphil face wash and Dalacin (a topical acne solution). After one year, I was cured of my acne and stopped Roaccutane but I still use Cetaphil (which you can buy at the pharmacies) and Dalacin (which you need a prescription for).
Anyway, just wanted to share this story with you because acne sucks and skin is precious. And because Dr Phay is the bombdiggity. Thanks for reading!
Hi! I ame across your post when googling for review for Dr Phay. Do you remember how much was her consultation fees like?
Hello, she charges between $150 - $200 for a consultation which is pretty steep, and getting an appointment can be difficult so you might have to wait awhile, but it's really because she's very good, and very calm and compassionate.
DeleteHi there, it was quite a few years ago to be honest but I recall spending close to 1k in the course of about a year. It's not cheap but it's worth it because it was the only thing that cleaned up my acne.