Dress: Far East Plaza (Similar here) |
Shoes: ASOS (Similar here) |
Bag: Banana Republic (Similar here) |
Sunglasses: ASOS (Similar here) | Necklace: Bysi (Similar here) |
Happy Chinese New Year!
While I may not be the most traditional person, I decided to bust out the red to get in line with the season, usher in all that good luck and prosperity and all that jazz.
This CNY was the first year I went visiting without my cousin Nom who has left for the states to meet chicks study. I thought it would be really dull without him because I usually make him entertain me like the monkey boy that he is, but surprisingly, I had a nice time chatting with the relatives and friends so this must mean that I've grown up or something. Or actual me has been abducted by aliens replacing it with a non-social retard version of me. I like it.
For my dear sister and cousins who have escaped the hot hot heat of Singapore, I am now going to list down the highlights of my 3 days of visiting, feel free to skip this part if you can't be bothered to read about family members trying to make each other jealous.
The Reunion of Awesome
Steamboat was so last century. We had popiah and kueh pai tee. I like kueh pai tee because it's like you're using little edible bowls and it's delicious. However, as the 3 witches of central Singapore (momster and the 2 aunts) the bridge troll (the husband of one of the aunts) and the perfect fairy princess (ME obviously) meet on a weekly basis, it didn't feel like a reunion. We talked about the usual topics - food, cancer and who is dying. Very auspicious.
CNY Day One
We visited my fake cousin's place. For some reason, my mother allowed us to believe that we were related to these people for the first 15 years of my life. Imagine how crushed I felt when I realised that Daryl, my cool cousin was not actually my cousin at all. The betrayal! Anyway, he's married now so that means he gives me cool angpow and I giggle at how old he is. Bonus: Daryl and Val (his wife) have a dog called Poopie and he got along well with Nacho.
Yummy delicious Peranakan lunch at the extended relatives house meant that I stuffed my face with buah keluak, hepiao soup, chap chye, more kueh paitee, keropok and wonderful tropical fruit that you probably can't find in San Francisco or LA so basically Asia wins and some people should move back.
Tea time was different this year with us visiting mom's friend's place in Farrer Road instead of Siglap because the mother of the friend had passed away and they sold the house. How this was more awesome: I hung out in a room with aircon so I did not just totally melt the way I had in previous years.
I went for dinner to the boo's aunt's place where there was a selection of Malay catered delights. But I basically went to town on her bak kwa, pineapple tarts, kueh bangkit and love letters.
Oh yeah, also, I GOT A TON OF ANGPOWS because I'm single and I took all of Nom's so basically I'm a baller now.
CNY Day Two
We visited aunty Irene, my primary school math and science tutor who deserves an award for not completely losing her shit because tutoring me is probably the most exhausting experience in the world. She deserves a giant red packet for her efforts. But instead, we gave her some oranges then drank her soup, ate her seaweed snacks and raided her fridge for drinks. As is the custom.
We went to the godsister Wendy's place for lunch where we ate her super famous Char (that's the name of the store) charsiew that was so fatty it made momster look like a supermodel. There was some other food there but I clearly only registered the charsiew so that's how good it was.
I brought Nacho to our friend Angie's place at night and while there, he got sexy with Angie's dogs, Charlie and Dewie, who are both male. So my dog is gay and that's cool because I'm all for free love. Then I ate more kueh paitee (seems like this is the food trend) and Godiva chocolates.
Rounding up
So basically, there was a lot of eating. Thanks for reading!