Friday, 1 August 2014

Hey hey you you, I could be your boyfriend (shirt)

Shirt: ASOS | Jeans: 7 for All Mankind (Similar here and here) | Sneakers: Converse
Trying to perfect the art of coolly leaning around on things
Leaning was too tough so I switched to the hands in pockets pose
Sunglasses: Brandless (Similar here) | Ring/weapon: Gift (Similar here) | Cuff bracelet: Gift (Similar here)
 Whenever I think of boyfriend shirts, I imagine those shows where some woman stayed the night at some guy's house (Warning: racy material ahead, do not continue reading if you are below 18) and she would ultimately co-opt the guy's shirt presumably because her clothes from last night were ripped to shreds from the hot and passionate round of umm... scrabble they played. Said woman would be wandering around the house sans pants, and usually with some coy look on her face. (I would be annoyed if I was the dude, shirts are not easy to iron - she could have just taken a big t-shirt instead dammit).

Anyway, here's my take on the look, thankfully with pants, sans coy look. My sleeping habits are much less exciting although I do occasionally talk in my sleep.

Thanks for reading, happy Friday all you pants-less wanderers, I hope you win at Scrabble.


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