Thursday, 3 July 2014

Shoestring budget

Dress: Primark
Leaning Tower of Pizza lover
Bag: OG | Necklace: Twentyeight Lane
Shoes: Pedder Red
It would be awesome to be able to afford to wear high quality branded clothes to work.
It would be more awesome to be able to afford not to work at all.
Neither of the above fantasies are close to becoming reality.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. I've become quite a master budget shopper because of my predicament (poverty, still needing to eat, extreme vanity). This Primark dress is one such awesome budget find - it's cheap, trendy and gives me curves I don't actually have.

I also love a good local blog shop because of the quick and cheap (or free) delivery, affordability and how closely they follow designer trends for less. Of course then you can fall into the trap of over buying - I've tons of Twentyeight Lane jewellery, I have this necklace in 3 colours. Cut me some slack, I need several for matchymatchy options right?

Thanks for reading, matchymatchy or death!!!

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