Thursday, 26 June 2014

The fashion faux pas

Dress: Smooch the Label | Shoes: Tangs Studio
Bag: Mango
Ring: Swarovski (gift from Cyn) | Earrings: Diva
I read somewhere that too matchymatchy isn't fashionable but how does one know when much becomes too much?

I nearly wore dark blue shoes with this dress but the fear of being too matchymatchy made me chicken out and switch to the safety of nude shoes. I've often found it tough to know where to draw the line - When I was younger, I had a head full of thick hair dyed almost entirely bright pink, and I decided that it would be a good idea to pair that hair with a pink top, pink converse sneakers, and a pink bag. Let's all have a good laugh at my fashion faux pas but also take into consideration how I would have been a hit in some circles in Japan.

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that while better sense sometimes prevails, I also think that it might be fun sometimes to throw caution to the wind and just be a devotee to specific (or all) of the colours on the pantone colour wheel. Oh well, perhaps another day!

Thanks for reading, stay tuned for colourful adventures of the rainbow renegade!

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