So when I was 12 years old, my classmate found the first strand of white hair in my head. She sat behind me in class and saw it shining on my head and she helped me pull it out. Then she found a whole treasure trove of them and proceeded very monkey-like to help me rid my poor head of them. My teacher told us to quit it but that day really cemented my lifelong yearning for ridding my head of them.
I'm not 12 anymore so by now you can imagine those little a$$holes have multiplied and spread like some disease on a colony for the diseased. I may be being dramatic right now, hard to tell. Since pulling them off my head, while satisfying, could potentially turn me into a bald eagle (minus the cool eagle flying bit), I've had to turn to less violent methods.
I used to dye my hair with either L'oreal or some Japanese brand box dye. But now with my no animal testing policy, I've shifted away from that and found a non animal-tested brand on
iHerb called
We don't really have many cruelty-free solutions for hair dye here in Singapore so I really didn't have much of a choice but I combed iHerb for all the hair dye brands they had and found that this one had good reviews so I thought I'd try it out. I normally buy jet black dye and kinda let it fade to my natural soft black but I read that the product was quite dark so I chose the 2N dark brown.
The product comes in two little bottles and you need to pour it into a plastic or glass bowl in equal proportions and then mix it to make it to a gel-like consistency. Slap on the plastic gloves and spread it into the hair like a pro. Although I failed at that part. I'm used to using bottle applicators so this was kind of a mess but I was prepared and had spread newspaper all over my bathroom floor like I was going to be painting my bathroom.
After applying it kind of messily all over my head, I waited 40 minutes (according to the box, this is super important to be adhered to) and then washed it off. It didn't smell unpleasant like the normal ammonia dye I used to use, and it wasn't too drippy (although I used a disposable shower cap over just in case)
Because of its more natural ingredients, it definitely didn't make my hair feel like it had been treated to a chemical bath, and I felt that less hair than normal fell. In addition, my hair didn't smell gross!
I think I'm pleased with the results. It's been about a week since, and my hair looks pretty good, it's covered most of the white hairs (except for those I missed because I'm so bad at DIY hair dyeing).
Damn I look good with this new shade |
Pros of Herbatint:
- Cruelty-free
- Doesn't smell gross
- Covers white hairs
- Natural ingredients are not harsh on the hair
- Affordable - It's about S$15 on iHerb
Cons of Herbatint:
- No applicator so can be messy to apply
- The gloves provided aren't great, they're too short I feel
All in all, I'm pleased with the purchase and happy to repurchase when the time comes (boo hiss I hate you white hairs!!!)
Hair that's as dark as my soul |
Thanks for reading!