Monday, 17 April 2017

Spring in bloom


Doing my best hair ad hair-toss

Then a quick change into something more comfortable

Greetings and happy belated Easter to all you spring bunnies! If you love flora but hate the heat, check out the air-conditioned indoor flower domes of Gardens by the Bay. I had a lovely lunchtime visit with my buddy Samson who sacrificed his lunch to take these photos. Check out his work at or follow him on Instagram.

Spring is frequently associated with rebirth and renewal and it certainly feels like I’ve gone through some kind of rebirth of thought. Basically, I’m way crazier now. You can bandy around “dirty” words like “feminist”, “activist” and “eco-warrior” because I totally am. Or at least, I’m trying to be.
Am I pushing an agenda? Probably. But it’s my blog so get ready to be pushed.

I blame two people for my rebirth – David Attenborough, for his wonderful BBC Earth series that made me want to preserve the beauty of nature, and my tree-hugging friend Char who opened my eyes to the fact that we’re poisoning ourselves with chemicals. Being an idea extremist, I decided that I had to be tree + animal hugging so I’ve decided that aside from aiming for that organic eco-sustainable lifestyle, I also have to fight against animal testing so here I am, taking a very minuscule stand against wastage and big businesses who profit off products that are tested on animals – Goodbye Maybelline eyeliner! Goodbye Makeup Forever setting powder and eyebrow pencil! Goodbye my favourite Peter Thomas Roth CC cream (L)! GOOD RIDDANCE TO YOU!

What all this means is:
  1. I am phasing out products that are tested on animals as much as possible
  2. I am replacing said products with products that are preferably eco-friendly (eg. recycled plastic packaging, biodegradable, etc), organic, and not from companies that test on animals
  3. I am trying to reduce my carbon footprint by being more aware of my consumption habits and making small adjustments to reduce waste
  4. I am making more of an effort to reuse and recycle where possible
  5. I am becoming a larger pain in the butt by nagging at my family to follow in my footsteps, while also becoming increasingly unbearable due to my obnoxious bragging about my lifestyle change, which you are bearing witness to right now
I’ll be honest, I don’t think my actions will ever really make much of a difference, but I guess I like the idea that even though I’m not doing enough, I’m doing my best. At the end of the day, I just want to know that I’ve tried to take some positive steps in saving this planet and its creatures.

I hope you will consider joining me in this personal crusade, or at least spreading this message. So maybe together we can make a difference, or at the very least, we can discover and share kick-ass organic and cruelty-free products that make us ridiculously good-looking.

Thanks for reading!

Ps. If you want to join the cruelty free crusade, check out Cruelty Free Kitty to get started. It’s got a list of cruelty-free brands and suggestions on where to shop for products. On that note, check out iHerb for a buttload of organic products not just for your head and body but also for your home.