Top: Gap
(Similar here) | Skirt ASOS (it was previously a dress,
similar here) | Bag: Banana Republic (Similar here)
ASOS (Similar here) | Sunglasses: ASOS (Similar here) | Ring: Vintage (Similar here)
A random thought
Does drinking cream of broccoli soup count as eating my veggies?
I am literally having some of it now and it is delicious. I've been really
bored of food lately and I wish I could just eat a pill that would give me all
the necessary nutrients I need, give me a sense of satisfaction and satiation,
and also not make me a pudgy blob monster. Scientists, get on it already!
Something I am not totally bored of yet though.. Salted egg yolk coated deep
fried chicken. OMG that shizz is the bomb. Now you're probably thinking,
"ooh sounds good, where can I get some of that?" and I can tell
Stolen from their Facebook page because I forgot to take photos. |
Disclaimer first: this is my friend's business so I am biased but if it wasn't
good I wouldn't bother posting about it. So it is good, trust me, I'm a very
greedy human* being.
The original Geylang Claypot Rice restaurant is located in, no surprises here,
Geylang (GASP SHOCK), but due to the fact that my friend and his business
partner are enterprising young men with rice on the brain and in the stomach,
they've opened a second outlet at Serangoon Gardens to cater to all the
goonies. I assume that's what they call themselves. Totally true fact: the
people from Geylang called themselves "Geylords". Maybe.
Also stolen, because I'm a thief |
I've heard from my
friend that the Serangoon outlet's claypot rice has a boneless chicken version
which is great because I used to absolutely loathe eating claypot rice only to
be biting into shards of chicken bone. It's up there on the charts of worst
things ever, like just behind 'leaving dog poop on the side walk' and 'writing
Game of Thrones spoilers on Facebook'.
Obviously while their
claypot rice is their signature dish, I, being not that into claypot rice
(scarred from the bones yo), prefer their other dishes including the salted egg
yolk chicken, the seafood beehoon (I avoid the seafood since I'm allergic but I
go to town on those noodles), and the Qinglong vegetables. So now this soup I'm
drinking is kinda not cutting it anymore. Where's that food pill when you need
Salted egg yolk *drools* |
I'm pretty sure this
is basically a cholesterol and calorie bomb but I LOVE SALTED EGG YOLK FRIED
CHICKEN. I need to find a way to marry it. It's so good!! It also comes in a
squid version but meh I'm all for chicken. When I was a kid, my mom told me all
meat was chicken so I'd eat it because I really loved chicken.
Rrraaawwwrrr |
Apparently Qinglong's
literal translation is 'Green Dragon' and now with Game of Thrones back on the
air, who isn't all about dragons? So topical. Anyway, this vegetable dish is
awesome. I had never tried it before and I was more than pleasantly surprised.
I'm no food blogger so I'm not going to try and pretend I know food by using
words like 'palate cleansing' and 'refreshing with a twist' or 'bow chica wow
wow' (I also don't read food blogs), but I just want to say that I like this
dish and highly recommend it.
Shrimp + cereal = dinner and breakfast rolled into one |
Ok so I'll be honest,
I don't eat shellfish so I could only eat the cereal but from the way my
friends inhaled this, I think it's good? The cereal was really yummy so yes, we
also finished all the cereal.
Deep fried soft shell crab + eggs |
I think this is the
boo's favourite, he said the eggs are yums max. I can only sigh and feel a deep
longing for this crab that would only give me the feeling of a midget squeezing
and weakly punching my throat if I were to eat it.
Bonjour |
I'm so bad at
describing food, I keep thinking about writing "I like this a lot"
and "yum". I'm not very original and my vocabulary isn't really
great. Anyway, french beans - supercalifragilisticexpealidocious. Take that for
a description yo.
So anyway, not shown here: an onion omelette and a xiao bai cai vegetable dish
because I was really greedy and I kept forgetting to take the photos until we
had all started eating. Some of the photos I took were just plates with
remnants of food. It's kind of gross.
Anyway, Geylang Claypot is a great place for large gatherings as a pot of rice
can go a long way so it's quite economical. Although of course when you order
the more expensive seafood dishes, it can be more pricey. I think it's got
pretty standard zi char prices. The food comes in small and medium sizing so
you can always mix and match to suit your group size.
The restaurant in Serangoon is fully air-conditioned which is important because
it's so freaking hot in Singapore. And I heard that they've just got their
liquor license so that means PARTY CENTRAL! Gather all your friends and head
down to Geylang Claypot Rice restaurant Tuesdays to Sundays for lunch or dinner
or maybe even just to hang out.
To see the Geys, go to: 639 Geylang Road
But if you feel like
visiting the Goons: 4 Maju Avenue
Thanks for reading!
* Technically while I
claim I'm human, I've never really had it proven. How do we know we aren't all
just aliens walking around and when we die we actually go onto our next alien
form. I will probably be a Trump supporter cos you know those people are truly
aliens. Anyway, how do we go about proving one's humanity? This has given me an
awesome idea for the Humanity Games, kind of like the Hunger Games but with
more food. Yup. Back to food again.