Wednesday, 27 April 2016

*Grumble grumble grumble*

Top: Borrowed from Mousie (Similar here) | Skirt: Forever 21 (Similar here)
Flats: Vincci (Similar here) | Bag: OG (Similar here)

So I've been an epic crankypants lately, maybe more so than my normal self. I think it's because of consistent and repeated experiences with other people that makes me feel... UGH. I'm turning into such a grumpy old woman. I think I might end up being one of those super intense people who take videos nonstop so they can shame others on Stomp or something. 

Anyway, in case you're ever concerned that you're gonna bump into me and I might spit flames at you, or if you're just curious as to what constitutes acting like a giant douche turd on crack, no worries, here's a helpful chart for you:

Anyway, I'm pretty sure you guys and all your mates are totally awesome because only awesome people are associated with this blog - yup, all three of us. 

Hope you don't come across any butt monkeys any time soon, but I guess if you do, just be cool (unlike me). Who knows, maybe I'm the butt monkey for judging people...

Thanks for reading! 

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

It's your choice

Top: French Connection (Similar here) | Skirt: ASOS (Similar here) | Shoes: New Look (Similar here)
Bag: Gracious Aires (Similar here) | Ring: V&A (Similar here

I think I mention it over and over - I really am big on sunscreen. I finally used up all of my Biotherm sunscreen but I've been fortunate to have friends who know just how mad I am about the stuff so I routinely get sunscreen as gifts. Angie had given me this awesome RMK UV Face Protector (SPF50+++) sometime back and I finally got to crack it open. Angie is a total beauty junkie so I knew it would be good, but DUDE. It is even better than Biotherm (sorry B). It has a smooth and light texture, not super creamy, so it spreads really easily. It also has no discernible smell which is great because the sunblock smell can be kind of gross. But it's super wow factor has definitely got to be its absorption and non-stickiness. It's so quickly absorbed into the skin that it doesn't leave any trace of that normal oily sticky sunblock feeling. I think it may not be waterproof though which is ok since I just wear it to work.

Protect yo face
I love how the product description tells me that I can "use it daily in the city as well as during leisure or sport activities". It makes it seem like the leisure and sports are all happening out of the city. But what if I want to go to the country? Can I not wear it then??? Better go buy some of that non-city sunscreen for those village days.

I'm now in a wormhole reading all the copy from the whole website. Take these examples:

"Open the compact and prepare to meet the circus’s star attraction." 

I guess it's misleading without the image it references because normally when you think of makeup, you don't automatically jump to "circus' star attraction" unless you think clown makeup is so on trend. But seriously, what is it???
Star attraction in the house.
 How about these lines...

"Cute or sexy, it‘s your choice!" 


"Explore your many expressions - sexy, feminine, or just relaxed/casual – by layering on their color and radiance."

But I want to be ALL!!! It is so hard to be a woman. And RMK didn't even consider those days when I want my "expression" to be "accomplished but on edge because of caffeine" or "Hangry but in a model way rather than the greedy person way".   

Alright I need to go and by a star attraction so I can be cute/sexy.

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Fun police

Top: New Look (Similar here) | Pants: French Connection (Similar here) | Shoes: Charles & Keith (Similar here) | Clutch: ASOS

It’s dawned on me that I am not a fun person. I say this because I enjoy doing really boring things that people typically find to be a chore. I love a good spring cleaning – the joy of tidying up and making everything shiny and new is just so rewarding. Also, I love running errands like grocery shopping and picking up household products. Honestly, doesn’t finding the perfect broom sound just swell??

When the boo had his birthday party at home, I was running to turn down the music every time he turned it up because HELLO WE HAVE NEIGHBOURS WHO SLEEP NORMAL HOURS. And I was theone running around picking up the garbage and clearing the dirty plates which I think is normal since I was hosting that shindig. But I would probably do it even if I wasn’t the host.

Anyway, these things don’t exactly make for a very exciting person that others want to be around, but that’s ok. I’ve become very comfortable with who I am and with my weird quirks (like preferring to spend my Friday hugging my dog rather than chugging a pint).

Thankfully, I have a saving grace - I’m quite good at contributing to the fun others have.

My colleague had a hen’s night party and I became the unofficial clothes lender because apparently I have skanky clothes that would fit the theme of (skanky hos). AWESOME. Anyway, I just like other people to have the fun, and then I do the non-fun prep or clean up so I think I'm very useful. 

Anyway, that’s all I wanted to say. Hope you are having fun in all the ways you enjoy! Unless it’s gross and/or illegal. Then NO.  

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, 6 April 2016


Top: Zalora | Pants: Gift from Manman/Misguided | Shoes: Charles & Keith (Similar here) | Sunglasses: Nichii (Similar here)
Necklace: Gift from Cyn (Similar here) | Ring: Gift from Cyn (Similar here): Bracelets: Diva (Similar here)

I’ve been trying to eat a little healthier lately – this is tremendously difficult for me because there is not a single fried or super processed piece of food that I don’t like. Also, whenever I’m grumpy (which is probably 80% of the time), I crave sugary carb loaded processed food. I also barely have any discipline – If you put delicious food in front of me, I will eat it.

Nonetheless, as I’ve matured, I’ve come to see the value in a healthy balanced diet, or really, a healthy balanced everything. This isn’t just for the obvious vain reasons, but also for my general well-being.

Because I have the appetite of a bear that’s just woken from hibernation, I pretty much always need to snack and I’ve found a delightful healthy snack to curb my midday munchies. 
I first found the recipe from here (I was trying to find a breakfast substitute for my normal Nutella but let’s be serious here, I am NEVER giving up Nutella), and I tried it out using spinach and it was good but tasted a little too healthy, so now I use ham and mushrooms and that’s much yummier, but seriously there are so many options, I might try broccoli one day although it may give the quiche a kind of moldy appearance. 
You can mix up the proportions but I guess you'll need a proportionate amount of eggs to glue it all together
 The Alex style recipe:
  • Three quarter cup of uncooked quinoa – this will become about 2 cups when cooked
  • Half cup of diced up ham
  • One cup of chopped mushrooms
  • Three-quarters cup of chopped onion (it really depends on how much onion I have and feel like chopping)
  • One cup of shredded Cheddar cheese
  • Two tablespoons of shredded Parmesan cheese
  • Three to four eggs (the original says two whole eggs and two egg whites which probably would be healthier but I don’t know what I would then do with two leftover egg yolks and also I don’t know how to do that fancy egg separating thing using the shells)
  • Salt and pepper to taste
Get cookin':
1.       Cook the quinoa and let it cool
2.       Chop the ham, mushrooms and onion, shred the cheese, beat the eggs
3.       Put everything into a bowl and mix it in evenly
I chop everything quite finely so it sticks together better
I use mixed quinoa (black and white) but all white probably would look nicer and less like it has ants
4.       Pre-heat the oven to 175 - 180 degrees Celsius 
Sweet Breville* oven of gloriousness
5.       Put the mix into an oiled muffin/cupcake baking tray
Carefully scoop the mix into the tray - Don't drop a single grain, quinoa is EXPENSIVE
6.       Bake in oven for 15 – 20 minutes
7.       Enjoy the deliciousness (actually, might be best to remove it from the tray and cool it a bit or risk burning your mouth. True story.  
Swivel and scoop 'em out
Get in ma belly!
Not only are they healthy, they’re easy to make (chop chop chop mix mix bake NOMS), easy to store (in mouth like a hamster, or in a fridge/freezer for another day) and obvs easy to eat (pop in mouth, chew, hot or cold, it tastes good!)

There are a few cons to making this of course, mainly the price of quinoa (but with my cupcake try of about 2 inch diameter per cup, I make about 24 cups so it seems reasonable I think) and the fact that the things need to be chopped up, which can be a little time-consuming. I’m considering getting a processor because I’m committed to making these babies.

Anyway, I urge you to try it out, and go crazy with the variety of fillings you could possibly use then let me know how it turns out.

Thanks for reading! 

* No seriously, this toaster oven mousie bought for momster is DA BOMB. It cooks so evenly, is so easy to use, have a ton of cool settings (like reheat, warm, bake, toast, grill, roast, zumba... ok maybe not that last one) is large enough to roast a chicken. It's a really great addition to the kitchen for those who are oven-challenged. My regular stove connected oven sucks.